to Mar 19

Hope Explored

Hope explored is an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the Christian faith.

This course is completely free of charge and is open to anyone.

The course consists of 3 weekly sessions (on 5, 12 & 19 March 2025) that last for about an hour and a half, from 7:00 – 8:30pm. During each session we will watch a couple of videos made by Hope Explored and chat about what we think.

To watch the promo video please click here:

To register interest in this current session please complete the form below - or if you would be interested in future sessions please click here:

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to Apr 13

Land Ahoy (Children’s Holiday Bible Club)

A free Holiday Bible Club for all primary school aged children, each day 09:45-12:30.

Each day will comprise songs, Bible stories, crafts and sketch all mixed in with loads of fun. The club is free to attend and the children will recieve points which they can exchange for some great prizes throughout the week. Each child will also be given a Club Booklet which includes loads of puzzles and activities to reinforce what is taught each day - and also allows parents to see what has been going on.

The final session on Sunday morning is a parents come too session. It will have holiday club flavour and will include a summary of the week and the announcing of the winning team.

To register children please visit or register on arrival. There is no need to register in advance although this does save time and makes life easier on Tuesday morning.

For more details contact us on or phone 01904 640124

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4:00 PM16:00

Carols in the Courtyard

Join us on Christmas Eve for carol singing and Christmas thoughts out in our courtyard. We will have lights, a wonderful nativity scene, fire pits and will be serving warm mince pies and punch. What better way to start the Christmas weekend?

In the event of wet weather we will move into the church hall.

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6:30 PM18:30

Carols by Candlelight

Our annual Carols by Candlelight features a collection of traditional and more modern carols, with Bible readings, prayers and a short Christmas message. This is a not to be missed event and all are welcome.

The service will be followed by mince pies and coffee

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7:00 PM19:00

Baptism Explored - November 2024

  • What does the Bible say about baptism?

  • Why is it important to be baptised?

  • Who can be baptised?

  • How do I get baptised at YBC?

If you have any of these questions come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Baptism. We will also discuss the process for being baptised at YBC.

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every four months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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to Dec 10

321 - Discover life according to Jesus

Got questions about God, the world and you?

The 321 course invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Over the course of four sessions, Glen Scrivener presents Jesus’ vision for life through interactive videos that help us better understand God, the world and ourselves.

The course considers God’s Three-ness, the world’s two-ness and your one-ness. Each session begins with a thoughtful question followed by stunning stroytelling and compelling commentary.

Begin 321 here. Engage in thoughtful conversation as part of a small group hosted in a friendly environment. Interact with the videos then share your thoughts and experiences with others.

Interested? Please sign up below and we will be in touch.

Hosted by York Baptist Church

First session: Tuesday 12 November at 7:45pm in the church lounge


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6:30 PM18:30

Quiz Night

Join us for our Quiz Night on 2 November. Fun for all the family, with rounds for children and adults alike together with surprise challenges.

Refreshments will be provided and there will be a short talk explaining the Christian message at the end.

The event is free of charge

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7:00 PM19:00

Real Lives - voices from the past (Dr Paul Brand)

Come and hear the amazing story of Dr Paul Brand, a medical missionary to South India and renowned leprosy surgeon. Dr Brand was a pioneer in developing tendon transfer techniques for use in the hands of those with leprosy.

This will be part of our Sunday evening service which will also include a talk on Jesus’ healing of a leper from Luke 5.

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7:30 PM19:30

An evening of music - free concert

Join us for a wonderful evening of music and chat featuring, among others, Pugan Daengruan (Mr Saxboy) on the saxophone and Andrew Brown on the piano.

Towards the end of the evening we will ‘pause for thought’ and after the concert refreshments will be provided.

Admission is free and all are welcome.

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10:45 AM10:45

Student Welcome Service

If you are a new student in York and are looking for a church then we'd love to see you. We are holding a student welcome service on the morning of 20 October - which will be followed by a student lunch.

Of course you would be welcome any Sunday but if you are looking around at different churches why not schedue in to join us on 20th -we'd love to see you and get to know you.

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7:00 PM19:00

Membership Explored - Oct 2024

  • What is church membership and why is it important?

  • What are the privileges of being a church member?

  • What are the responsibilities of church membership?

  • How do I become a member of YBC?

If you are a regular attender at YBC and have any of these questions, come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Church membership.

This session is about exploring - coming along does not necessarily mean you will follow a process leading to membership

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every four months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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7:00 PM19:00

Baptism Explored - October 2024

  • What does the Bible say about baptism?

  • Why is it important to be baptised?

  • Who can be baptised?

  • How do I get baptised at YBC?

If you have any of these questions come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Baptism. We will also discuss the process for being baptised at YBC.

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every four months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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to Jun 5


MomentumYes is a free video and discussion-based series designed to help everyday Christians rethink God’s mission, the call of the church and each of our individual roles.

The series runs over six weekly sessions. Each evening starts at 7:30pm with a shared meal and will conclude by 9:30pm.

For more information about the MomentumYes series see here

To sign up to attend this series please click here

If you would like to volunteer to help provide a meal for one of the sessions please use the form below

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to Jun 12

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is an opportunity to explore Mark’s Gospel and discover who Jesus is, why He came and what it means to follow Him.

This series is completely free of charge and is open to anyone.

The series consists of 7 weekly sessions that last for about an hour and a half, from 7:00 – 8:30pm. Each session we include refreshments together and we will watch and discuss a film and look at a passage from Mark’s Gospel together.

To watch the promo video please click below

To register interest in this current series please complete the form below - or if you would be interested in future sessions please click here:

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7:00 PM19:00

Membership Explored - Feb 2024

  • What is church membership and why is it important?

  • What are the privileges of being a church member?

  • What are the responsibilities of church membership?

  • How do I become a member of YBC?

If you are a regular attender at YBC and have any of these questions, come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Church membership.

This session is about exploring - coming along does not necessarily mean you will follow a process leading to membership

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every four months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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7:00 PM19:00

Baptism Explored - February 2024

  • What does the Bible say about baptism?

  • Why is it important to be baptised?

  • Who can be baptised?

  • How do I get baptised at YBC?

If you have any of these questions come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Baptism. We will also discuss the process for being baptised at YBC.

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every four months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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to Jan 24

Hope Explored

Hope explored is an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the Christian faith.

This course is completely free of charge and is open to anyone.

The course consists of 3 weekly sessions (on 10, 17 & 24 January 2024) that last for about an hour and a half, from 7:30 – 9:00pm. Each session we will meet and have some refreshments together whilst watching a couple of videos made by Hope Explored and chat about what we think.

To watch the promo video please click here:

To register interest in this current session please complete the form below - or if you would be interested in future sessions please click here:

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6:30 PM18:30

Carols by Candlelight

Our annual Carols by Candlelight features a collection of traditional and more modern carols, with Bible readings, prayers and a short Christmas message. This is a not to be missed event and all are welcome.

The service will be followed by mince pies and coffee

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4:00 PM16:00

Toddler Nativity Service

Join us for our wonderful Toddler Nativity service. Hear a retelling of the Christmas story and see the children create a Christmas tableau. Bring your child dressed as a character from the Nativity Story (e.g. Mary, Joseph, Angel, Shepherd, Wise man etc).

It promises to be a great occasion and one which may be full of surprises - who knows what might happen when toddlers are involved?

The short service is followed by a light tea.

Organised by Jellytots - our twice weekly Parent and Toddler group

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10:45 AM10:45

Student Welcome Service

If you are a new student in York and are looking for a church then we'd love to see you. We are holding a student welcome service on the morning of 8 October - which will be followed by a student lunch.

Of course you would be welcome any Sunday but if you are looking around at different churches why not schedue in to join us on 8th -we'd love to see you and get to know you.

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7:00 PM19:00

Baptism Explored

  • What does the Bible say about baptism?

  • Why is it important to be baptised?

  • Who can be baptised?

  • How do I get baptised at YBC?

If you have any of these questions come along and explore together. We will answering these (and other) questions and will be looking at what the Bible says about Baptism. We will also discuss the process for being baptised at YBC.

If you are unable to make this session we will be running further sessions every three months or so.

To register interest in this session please complete the form below:

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